Industrial Automation and Telemetry for Sanitation

Complete solutions in automation and telemetry for water and wastewater treatment, designed to maximize efficiency and sustainability.

Cutting-edge technology for automation | Custom projects tailored to client needs | Experienced and skilled team | Commitment to sustainability.


Companies that trust our solutions:



We offer complete or partial solutions, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.


We design electrical projects, program PLCs, HMIs, and supervisory systems to optimize water and wastewater treatment.


Our telemetry solutions enable efficient monitoring and control of sanitation systems, ensuring optimal operation.

We are specialists in industrial automation, with a focus on water treatment. Contact our expert to discover new opportunities.

Contact us

Success story

Telemetry for Water Distribution System in Shopping Mall

With our remote monitoring platform ATENTAI, the shopping center's operation has all water system data at their fingertips. Access customizable dashboards, detailed graphs, and real-time alerts for any system deviations, ensuring efficiency and complete control.

IoT Platform

Discover some resources

  • Dashboard

    Customized dashboard according to the needs of the process.

  • Alarm History

    Have access to all alarms that occurred for better process management and traceability.

  • Report

    Generate detailed reports simply and quickly in just a few clicks.

  • Notification

    Receive instant notifications via WhatsApp, Telegram or email.


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